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Phase II Water Main Replacement

Improving Our Water, one Project At a Time

About The Project

The Phase II Water Main Replacement project replaces the remaining sections of 4-inch cast iron mains within the Town’s water distribution system dating back to the 1940s. The project includes approximately 4,100 lineal of water main replacement along the 5th Street, 3rd Street, Dawson Avenue, and Pleasant Avenue corridors, with construction anticipated to begin in the summer of 2023, with work being completed in the spring of 2024. The Montana SRF program, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and Town contributions partly funded the project—approximately 70% of total funds coming from grant funds. The project aims to improve system hydraulics and reliability by upsizing and replacing aging infrastructure within the Town’s distribution system with long-term goals of replacing Fairview’s water storage tank.

  1. During the project, roads will be temporarily closed down for construction, and access to properties may be limited.
  2. For those residences located along the route of water main replacement, your water may be temporarily out of service, or your home may be connected to temporary water during the duration of the project.
  3. Water services will be replaced from the new water main to the location of the existing curb stop. A new curb stop with be placed within the Town right-of-way located approximately  7 feet behind the back of the curb.
  4. Water service trench areas will be restored as part of the project and are covered under the cost of the project. The homeowners will not be responsible for the cost of repairs caused by construction.
  5. Once the disturbed areas for your water service trench have been backfilled and seeded by the Contractor, it is highly recommended to water these areas on a routine basis! This will give your new grass seed the best chance to grow.
  6. The water main trenches in the road are anticipated to remain as gravel and asphalt millings for the winter of 2023 upon completion of the water main and service installations. Asphalt and other surface restoration is scheduled to be completed in the Spring of 2024.

Project Map

Schedule Overview

A Look Ahead

Water main installation for Schedule I & II, as shown on the map, is anticipated to be completed by October 24, 2023. The utility trenches will be left and maintained with gravel and asphalt millings through the winter with asphalt paving operations for completion in the spring of 2024. Water main installation in 2024, followed by asphalt and surface restoration in the spring of 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please reach out to Spencer VanWichen with Interstate Engineering if you have questions, and he can get you in contact with the correct people.

The yellow pipe across your lawn is used for “temporary water” during the replacement of the water mains near your home. This helps the contractor assure you have potable water during the project and minimize time out of service.

The curb stop is a service valve that allows the Town to turn on/off water services to residences. The curb box is the access point to the curb stop that is brought to the surface for the public works department.

Project Team

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