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US 281 Improvements

US 281 Improvements

Jamestown, North Dakota

Interstate Engineering performed the preliminary design and construction engineering for the City of Jamestown. The project involved concrete pavement repair, dowel bar retrofit, and grinding project on a half-mile segment of US 281.

Interstate Engineering performed the preliminary design and construction engineering for the City of Jamestown. The project involved concrete pavement repair, dowel bar retrofit, and grinding on a half-mile segment of US 281.

Initiated in early 2009 and constructed in the spring of 2010, this was a stimulus project for an urban section of roadway consisting of four 12-foot lanes and a center median. The design process at that time of original construction, which was the early 90s, considered aggregate interlock sufficient load transfer for the transverse joints. This design was ultimately less than desirable, as the joints moved and created a rough ride. Dowel bar retrofits were completed on interstate highways for several years to restore the load transfer between slabs. Few were completed in urban situations. Traffic control was of significant importance for this project. Interstate Engineering staff put forth considerable effort during the design and construction phases to ensure minimal impacts to the adjoining business and landowners.

Interstate Engineering Team
Completion Date
  • 2010