Comprehensive Plan
Beulah, North Dakota
The City of Beulah hired Interstate Engineering in December of 2017 to update the existing plan from 2004. The city had an aggressive schedule of completing the plan in a 5-month timeframe. Interstate Engineering along with the city developed a public involvement strategy to engage key stakeholders in the community through focus group meetings along with public open houses.
The City of Beulah is the largest city in Mercer County, North Dakota. Interstate Engineering has had an office location in Beulah since 1976. The Comprehensive Plan serves to provide the city with guidance regarding land use, economic development, and future investments in public infrastructure. The plan had a strategic focus for the next five years, but also considered broader community goals looking forward to 2038.
Plan implementation includes a set of goals, objectives, and policies. The focus was placed on investing where infrastructure was already available to support growth. The city has already embarked upon plan implementation by focusing efforts on a strategic downtown plan.