Cascade Street Bridge Rehabilitation
Fergus Falls, MinneSOTA
The City of Fergus Falls, MN, hired Interstate Engineering to inspect, evaluate options, and provide design and construction engineering services for rehabilitating the Cascade Street bridge.
The City of Fergus Falls, MN, hired Interstate Engineering to inspect, evaluate options, and provide design and construction engineering services for rehabilitating the Cascade Street bridge. The bridge is a 152-foot long four-span with steel beams, a concrete deck, a pier, and u-shaped concrete abutments. The Cascade Street bridge has a road width of 50 feet, with sidewalks on both sides. After inspecting and evaluating the condition of the Cascade Street bridge, the best option was to increase the bridge rating.
The rehabilitation of the Cascade Street bridge required the removal of the entire superstructure, including the concrete deck, steel beams, rocker bearings, expansion joints, and modification of the pier and abutments to accommodate the new structure. Once the demolition was complete, the rehabilitation continued with installing new bearing devices, steel beams, a concrete deck with sidewalks, and expansion joints. The existing bridge had multiple utilities suspended from the slab, requiring coordination, relocation, and reinstallation to complete the project.
Interstate Engineering provided:
- Bridge Inspection
- Preliminary Engineering
- to determine the appropriate rehabilitation option
- Design Engineering
- preparing plans, specifications, and construction estimates
- Assistance with bidding
- Construction engineering
- observation to confirm conformance with plans and specifications
- coordination with the contractor and utilities
- project documentation