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City of Colfax Engineer

CIty of Colfax Engineer

Colfax, North Dakota

Interstate Engineering has assisted in developing, designing, and completing several projects for the City of Colfax.

Lagoon Repair & Expansion

The most recent and ongoing project is a lagoon repair and expansion. We have worked closely with the city for several years, reviewing options to address lagoon capacity, discharge, and leakage issues. The North Dakota Department of Health has collaborated with the city, helping implement mandated changes to maintain lagoon compliance. Interstate Engineering secured funding, completed the design, and received bids. Construction is scheduled to start in the fall of 2016. Several options were included in the bidding phase, and a synthetic liner was ultimately chosen as the most cost-effective solution.

Safe Routes to School

Interstate Engineering recently completed the design and construction for a Safe Routes to School Project within the city. This cooperative project included the city and the county. The goal was to provide better pedestrian facilities to route kids from the new housing area north of town to the recently renovated Richland 44 High School. Grant money was obtained through the county to assist with the construction of this project.

Subdivision Development

Working with the developer, Interstate Engineering completed the design and construction of a subdivision on the city’s north side. Water, sewer, and street extensions were required to accommodate this growth.


Storm drainage is essential when a city such as Colfax has many low-lying areas. The city’s western area, along the county road, has dealt with drainage issues for years. Working with the City of Colfax and the county, we performed surveys to see how to remedy the problem. Ditch clean-out and culvert changes were recommended and completed, improving the drainage in the city.

GPS Data

Not all projects are large. The smaller projects can often mean easier city management and even long-term cost savings. The City of Colfax hired Interstate Engineering, involving locating and collecting GPS data for all water service valves within the city. This data will allow the city to address turning off water in case of a water break more quickly.

Interstate Engineering Team