City of Hardin Growth Policy
Hardin, Montana
Interstate Engineering’s planning team created the official public document for the City of Hardin to serve as a policy guide for future development.
The purpose of the Hardin Growth Policy and Downtown Revitalization Plan is to provide an official public document to serve as a policy guide for future development in the City of Hardin. The Growth Policy is intended to be both long-range and visionary while aiming to guide desired future growth over the next five to ten years.
Timely and effective planning is critical for the City of Hardin to maintain orderly growth and development and protect its citizens’ health, safety, and welfare. The State of Montana recognizes this and requires each Montana city to adopt a Growth Policy. The State requires that each city update its Growth Policy periodically to ensure that the Policies apply to the current conditions. This Growth Policy focuses on the downtown area of Hardin and highlights catalyst projects for the community. It is through these current successes that Hardin can capitalize on opportunities for the future.
Since the completion of the existing Growth Policy in 2009, Hardin’s population growth has been limited. However, the city has successfully completed many community-wide projects over this period. This update gives Hardin the necessary tools to continue moving forward.
This Growth Policy charts a course based upon a shared vision for Forward HardinThe Growth Policy is meant to be both practical and accessible as it is intended for a variety of users: municipal officials, including city staff, Planning and Zoning Board members, and City Council members will use the Growth Policy as a basis for future decision-making to ensure that the city’s policies and procedures remain consistent with the Growth Policy. Additionally, the Growth Policy can be utilized by residents, developers, and other interested individuals to learn about the city’s policies and meet the needs of its citizens and businesses.