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North Dakota | Montana | South Dakota | Minnesota | Wyoming
Kaden Bedwell, PE
Location Fort Peck, MT, MT, Montana
Specialty Pools & Aquatics, Recreation, Water Systems, Wastewater

Kaden Bedwell, PE

Staff Engineer | Pools & Aquatics Group Leader
Why Did You Choose Engineering & Surveying? 

To continue my love for math, big equipment, and constructing things.

What Do you love about Northeastern Montana? 

It's family-friendly, and everyone gives you a helping hand, even if they don't know who you are. Plus, we can be out fishing on the water or hunting elk in a matter of minutes from our home.

  • Education: BS in Civil Engineering, University of Wyoming
  • Professional Registrations: Professional Engineer - WY, SD, PE, MT | Land Survey Intern - Wyoming | Certifed Flood Manager 
Outside of Interstate Engineering, Where are you?

Hanging out with our families, playing rec league sports, or enjoying the outdoors.

  • Epic Live Performance: Garth Brooks
  • Team Jersey: Montana State Bobcats