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Mike Bassingthwaite, PE
Location ND, Wahpeton, North Dakota
Specialty Recreation FAcilities, Hydrology & Hydraulics, Water Resources, Transportation, Site Design

Mike Bassingthwaite, PE

Principal Engineer | Treasurer | East Region Vice President
Mike Bassingwaite’s motto is “lead, follow, or get out of the way.” This motto has been a map to his success in civil engineering.

Starting with Interstate Engineering right after graduation, Mike spent his first years learning about the industry and the clients from Randy Pope, a founding member of the company. Through his first few years, Mike gained experience in municipal and county engineering, focusing specifically on hydraulics and hydrology, all while doing what drew him to the industry in the first place, helping people. As Mike grew in his career, he also became a leader, appointed Office Manager, Regional Vice President, and then to the Board of Directors in 2020. From this role, Mike continues to strengthen the company, ensuring Interstate Engineering is a respected member of the engineering community.

"Despite the changing dynamics of how people interact, ours is, and always will be, a relationship business. The things we do and the projects we work on are meaningful and satisfying; however, the people we work for and with are what this is all about."

  • Education: BS in Civil Engineering, North Dakota State University
  • Professional Registrations: Professional Engineer - North Dakota & Minnesota
  • Affiliations: ACEC, NDACE
Outside of Interstate Engineering

Though always busy, Mike finds time to get out of the way, and when he does, it usually leads to adventure. He enjoys family, camping at the lake, and being on the water or, more so, under it (Mike is an avid scuba diver).

  • Team Jersey: Minnesota Twins
  • Recommended Read: Anything by Tom Clancy