History Holds water
Water Tank Rehabilitation
Beulah, north dakota
Founded in 1914, the City of Beulah is a staple community in western North Dakota. As the community’s population grew, the city expanded its vital infrastructure to accommodate the development. Throughout the years, Beulah has replaced infrastructure which serves as the backbone to the thriving community. These replacements include water and sewer pipes, treatment facilities, and streets.
However, the centrally located “Spiers Tower” stands the test of time and tells every story the City of Beulah has to offer. This overhead tank is nestled on a four-legged lattice support system and has been with the town since the very beginning. Built in 1929, the tower holds a significant historical value to the community. The 75,000-gallon tank had not seen a fresh coat of paint in nearly 30 years. Its faded appearance began to concern the residents. Enter Interstate Engineering, who has served as the City of Beulah Engineer for more than 40 years. Given our intimate knowledge with the city and its infrastructure, we were able to help the community understand the impact of a tank decommissioning for rehabilitation, eliminate downtime for community water users, and provide a final product that rejuvenates the historic water tank. The overall plan included a tank coating system providing protection for the next 30 years. The tank was updated to meet current AWWA standards.
The project took place in the summer of 2018, and the work was performed by Tri-State Coatings, a tank painting company out of Wadena, Minnesota.
Today the tank stands majestically in the center of Beulah, continuing to serve the original community as it did in 1929.

Interstate engineering Team
Charles Hankins, PE – Project Engineer
Eric Urness, PE – Design Engineer