Ler and Sundheim Elected to Billings Jaycees Board
Congratulations to Eric Ler and Alexis Sundheim from the Billings Office for being elected to local community leadership positions for the Junior Chamber of Commerce (Jaycees)! Eric was elected Chapter President and Alexis was elected Chapter Secretary for the Billings Jaycees. Elections were held in January and the 2022 local board held its first membership meeting in February.
The Junior Chamber (Jaycees) is the premier leadership development organization, giving young people ages 18 to 40 the tools they need to succeed for themselves in the areas of business development, management skills, individual training, community service, and international connections.
The Billings Jaycees chapter has been actively involved within the Billings community since 2009. Over the past decade, the organization has also provided an ongoing community connection for a number of our Interstate Engineering Billings staff serving as active members. Congrats again to Eric and Alexis! And a big shout out to the Interstate Engineering Billings Office for sustaining a positive presence in your community.