Public Notice: Construction Area Limits
Public Notice: Construction Area Limits
Please remember that the project area limits currently in effect are Stages 1 and 2, as shown on the project map on this website. These limits are barricaded off on Main Street by construction signage. They are in place for your safety. Motorists can still access the parking lots of Bronson’s Supermarket and the Business Multiplex but must adhere to the access signage displayed on site. Additionally, pedestrian traffic (foot traffic) must stay out of the construction work area and cannot intentionally cross beyond active work zone barricades to cross the street. Pedestrian traffic is limited to the designated areas barricaded off for access to individual businesses. The Country Kettle has front entry access, but pedestrians must stay within the barricaded walkway to the front entry door. This is for your own safety, and the contractor cannot always know if public pedestrians are walking behind them while operating equipment. All the equipment used on this project has blind spots, and your safety is at risk if you enter the work area when you are not supposed to. Safety is of the utmost importance to everyone on this project, and we ask for your patience, cooperation, and understanding while construction operations occur. To protect the public and everyone’s safety, police will be notified of any pedestrian or vehicular traffic occurring within the actively barricaded construction area as witnessed.