Beulah Main Street

Beulah Main Street-10

Public Notice: Tampering with Public Water System

This past weekend, the temporary water system put in place by the contractor was tampered with. Please keep in mind that tampering with a public water system is punishable by law and is considered a federal offense. Any tampering with the public water system during the project will not be tolerated and violators will be prosecuted. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this project, and with your support we look forward to the successful completion of these city improvements.

Beulah Main Street-9

Public Notice: Construction Area Limits

Please remember that the project area limits that are currently in effect are Stages 1 and 2, as shown on the project map on this website. These limits are barricaded off on Main Street by construction signage and are in place for your safety. Motorists can still access the parking lots of Bronson’s Supermarket and the Business Multiplex but must adhere to the access signage as displayed on site. Additionally, pedestrian traffic (foot traffic) must stay out of the construction work area and cannot intentionally cross beyond active work zone barricades to cross the street. Pedestrian traffic is limited to the designated areas barricaded off for access to individual businesses. The Country Kettle has front entry access, but pedestrians must stay within the barricaded walkway to the front entry door. This is for your own safety, and the contractor cannot always know if public pedestrians are walking behind them while operating equipment. All the equipment in use on this project has blind spots, and your safety is at risk if you enter the work area when you are not supposed to. Safety is of the utmost importance to everyone on this project, and we ask for your patience, cooperation, and understanding while construction operations are taking place. To protect the public and everyone’s safety, police will be notified of any pedestrian or vehicular traffic taking place within the actively barricaded construction area as it is witnessed.

Beulah Main Street-8

Stage 1 & 2 Status Update (Construction Operations)

Last week, the contractor finished installing perimeter gate valves on the water main and has now begun installing sanitary sewer main on the project. This week, old manholes are being taken out and new manholes are being installed in place. Once the manholes are installed, the contractor will install sanitary sewer main between the manholes and tie the system together. After the contractor finishes installing sanitary sewer main, then they will begin to install water main and storm sewer main within the project area.

Beulah Main Street-5 (1)

Temporary Water Shutdown Notice: April 24

Areas of town will be without water from 7 pm to 1 am while the construction crew replaces a water main valve on the project. Impacted areas will include The Union Bank and WRT on 1st Ave NW, as well as Bronson’s Marketplace.  It is not anticipated that the shutdown will extend beyond the areas shown in the attached map – streets highlighted in red are the impacted areas for the water shutdown. While we do not anticipate the shutdown extending beyond the areas shown, it is possible that further areas may be impacted in the event that existing water valves do not perform adequately and isolate the work area.

NOTICE: Should the necessary water valves not hold for this temporary shutdown as expected, further isolation attempts would be required and may result in water loss for a much larger area. It is possible that all areas from 3rd Street North down to the railroad tracks may be without water during this timeframe due to the layout of the valves within town.

Beulah Main Street-4

Temporary Water Shutdown Notice: April 23

Areas of town will be without water from 9 am to 3 pm while the construction crew replaces a water main valve on the project. Impacted areas will include The Union Bank and WRT on 1st Ave NW. It is not anticipated that the shutdown will extend beyond the areas shown in the attached map – streets highlighted in red are the impacted areas for the water shutdown. While we do not anticipate the shutdown extending beyond the areas shown, it is possible that further areas may be impacted in the event that existing water valves do not perform adequately and isolate the work area.

NOTICE: Should the necessary water valves not hold for this temporary shutdown as expected, further isolation attempts would be required and may result in water loss for a much larger area. It is possible that all areas from 3rd Street North down to the railroad tracks may be without water during this timeframe due to the layout of the valves within town.

Beulah Main Street-3

Temporary Water Shutdown Notice: April 22

Areas of town will be without water from 9 am to 3 pm while the construction crew replaces a water main valve on the project. Impacted areas will include all properties located between 2nd Ave W and 3rd Ave W from Railroad Street to 1st Street NW. It is not anticipated that the shutdown will extend beyond the areas shown in the attached map – streets highlighted in red are the impacted areas for the water shutdown. While we do not anticipate the shutdown extending beyond the areas shown, it is possible that further areas may be impacted if existing water valves do not perform adequately and isolate the work area.

Beulah Main Street-2 (1)

Temporary Water Shutdown Notice: April 19

Areas of town will be without water from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm while the construction crew replaces a water main valve on the project. Impacted areas will include all properties located between 2nd Avenue W and 3rd Avenue W from Railroad Street to 1st Street NW. It is not anticipated that the shutdown will extend beyond the areas shown in the following map. Streets highlighted in red are the impacted areas for the water shutdown.
While we do not anticipate the shutdown extending beyond the areas shown, it is possible that further areas may be impacted if existing water valves do not perform adequately and isolate the work area.

Beulah Main Street

Project Notes: April 12

The contractor began milling the asphalt roadway surface within the project area on Friday, April 12. Temporary water services will be hooked up and installed by Wednesday, April 17. Stage 1 and Stage 2 work areas will be closed off starting Monday, April 15, until the work is completed within those two stage areas. The rest of Main Street will be open to the public until Stages 1 and 2 are completed. Stages 1 and 2 are expected to be complete by June 17.